Testery Features: Test Plans
Use cases
The Test Plans feature in Testery is a powerful way to organize your test runs for complex testing scenarios such as:
- Setup and tear down requirements before main test suites
- Coordinating parallel and sequential test suites
- Running suites across multiple projects or environments at once
To try out Test Plans on your project, start a free trial with Testery today.
Creating a Test Plan

- Navigate to the "Test Plans" tab and click the "Add New Test Plan" button

- Enter your name, key, and objective then click "Save"
Test Plan Stages

Stages allow you to organize your suites into separate spaces for different requirements. Stages will run sequentially top-down. You can configure if the suites living in the stage will run in Parallel or Sequentially and if the stage should always run (Always Run This Stage: Yes) or only run if previous stages pass.
💡Tip: You can drag and drop stages to re-order.

Test Plan Suites

Once stages are added, test plan suites can be added to stages. These can be configured to use available environments, builds, and predefined project test suites.

💡Tip: If you want to use dynamic sites and pass in the environment as a variable from the Testery CLI, select the "Use Dynamic Environment" option. This will disable running the Test Plan from the UI to prevent confusion. You can run the test plan with the CLI run-test-plan options and pass in the variable. For example set the environment to ${site_name} then run
testery run-test-plan --token $ENV:TESTERY --test-plan-key "your-test-plan" --variable "site_name=pr123"

On the "Runs" tab you can view test plan history with some basic information like duration, pass/fails, and date run.
💡Tip: If you click the result bar for the suite, it will take you to the test run's page.